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Old 01-08-2010, 04:19 PM
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RZ rollup-sort, sort your da-G rollups painlessly!

So ever since da_g started posting rollups of ALL packages and ALL DPIs, ALL langs, all resolutions life has been kinda crappy for me. not anymore. Today I decided to do something about it, this is the result.

all you need to do is place this batch file where you want it, then simply drag your SYS rollup onto it. input the info it asks for and when it is done, you will see your new folder inside the rollup directory... you will still need to remove elements that do not apply to you manually, the script is cool, but not magic..
you still need to remove oemxipkernel., msxipkernel, wince.nls, etc as you see fit.

Now I will just wait for indagroove to tell me this has already been done >< lol

edit: oops, found a bug, will fix and reupload before anyone notices

edit 2: bugs fixed, I had one of those "wtf am I thinking" moments. found a much more efficient way to do this..

instead of

Title Welcome to RZ's rollup sorter, making your life easier! :)
cd %~f1
set /P RESH="Please enter your RESH: "
set /P RESV="Please enter your RESV: "
set /P LANG="Please enter your LANG: "
set /P DPI="Please enter your  DPI: "
set localpath=%cd%
set sortedfolder=SORTED_Lang_%LANG%_DPI_%DPI%_RESH_%RESH%_RESV_%RESV%

if exist %sortedfolder% (
echo Removing existing sorted folder... 
rmdir /s /q %sortedfolder%
if not exist %sortedfolder% mkdir %sortedfolder%
ping -n 4 > NUL
echo done
echo              *****************************************************
echo            *                      rollup-sort                  *
echo           *                       raidzero                    *
echo              *                          :D                       *
echo          *****************************************************

echo Extracting Core only...
dir /A:D /B | find /v /i "dpi" | find /v /i "lang" > packages.txt
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%A in ("packages.txt") do (
echo D|xcopy /D /H /E /C /Y /Q %%A %sortedfolder%\%%A >NUL

echo Extracting DPI only...
dir /A:D /B | find /i "dpi_%DPI%" | find /v /i "lang" | find /v /i "resh" > packages_dpi.txt
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%A in ("packages_dpi.txt") do (
echo D|xcopy /D /H /E /C /Y /Q %%A %sortedfolder%\%%A >NUL

echo Extracting Lang only...
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('dir /A:D /B *_LANG_%LANG%') do echo D|xcopy /D /H /E /C /Y /Q %%A %sortedfolder%\%%A >NUL

echo Extracting Lang+DPI only...
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('dir /A:D /B *%LANG%_DPI_%DPI%') do echo D|xcopy /D /H /E /C /Y /Q %%A %sortedfolder%\%%A >NUL

echo Extracting Lang+DPI+RES only...
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('dir /A:D /B *%LANG%_DPI_%DPI%_RESH_%RESH%_RESV_%RESV%') do echo D|xcopy /D /H /E /C /Y /Q %%A %sortedfolder%\%%A >NUL


del packages.txt
del packages_dpi.txt
echo All done!
echo You will still be responsible for removing items not relevant to your device/region!
echo opening new SYS directory...
explorer %localpath%\%sortedfolder%
it is just

Title Welcome to RZ's rollup sorter, making your life easier! :)
cd %~f1
set /P RESH="Please enter your RESH: "
set /P RESV="Please enter your RESV: "
set /P LANG="Please enter your LANG: "
set /P DPI="Please enter your  DPI: "
set localpath=%cd%
set sortedfolder=SORTED_Lang_%LANG%_DPI_%DPI%_RESH_%RESH%_RESV_%RESV%

if exist %sortedfolder% (
echo Removing existing sorted folder... 
rmdir /s /q %sortedfolder%
if not exist %sortedfolder% mkdir %sortedfolder%
ping -n 4 > NUL
echo done
echo              *****************************************************
echo            *                      rollup-sort                  *
echo           *                       raidzero                    *
echo              *                          :D                       *
echo          *****************************************************

dir /A:D /B | find /v /i "dpi" | find /v /i "lang" > packages.txt
dir /A:D /B | find /i "dpi_%DPI%" | find /v /i "lang" | find /v /i "resh" >> packages.txt
dir /A:D /B *_LANG_%LANG% >> packages.txt
dir /A:D /B *%LANG%_DPI_%DPI% >> packages.txt
dir /A:D /B *%LANG%_DPI_%DPI%_RESH_%RESH%_RESV_%RESV% >> packages.txt
type packages.txt | sort > packages_sorted.txt
echo Now extracting the following packages...

for /F "usebackq delims=" %%A in ("packages_sorted.txt") do (
echo D|xcopy /D /H /E /C /Y /Q %%A %sortedfolder%\%%A >NUL
echo %%A


del packages.txt

echo All done!
echo You will still be responsible for removing items not relevant to your device/region!
echo opening new SYS directory...
explorer %localpath%\%sortedfolder%
Attached Files
File Type: rar RZ_rollup_sort_revision1.rar (773 Bytes, 22 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by raidzero; 01-08-2010 at 09:15 PM.
This post has been thanked 2 times.