Originally Posted by TAMUAggie
What is CAB, as install? Maybe we need a newbie forum, to post dumb questions.
Cab - (in this context) the extension for a "cabinet" file - it's a package containing multiple files and folders, usually for programs to self-install on the PPC. (If you use active sync to install programs on the ppc, look in the \program files\Microsoft Activesync\ - usually you find cabs there. You can copy them to your storage card once, then double-tap them on the device to quickly install the software without an activesync connection.)
Compare to
OEM - like what Colonel said above - most hackers make an OEM starting from a cab file.
RAR - a file-compaction format that is preferred for very large archives - often used for uploading roms.
Originally Posted by Sarge, USMC
Htc Pim Xip
HTC - High Tech Computer, the Taiwanese phone manufacturer - they make the most WM (Windows Mobile) phones in the world, but until recently they were all distributed through others. e.g. UTStar.com is another Asian company that plays an intermediate distribution role between HTC and verizon/sprint for our HTC Apaches; that's where we send our phones for support/repair. HTC directly supports the Mogul/Titan, however.
PIM - Personal Information Manager. This is the database for your contacts, tasks, appointments, and (sometimes) email. The native PIM on our phone is sometimes called Pocket Outlook, and there are some third party PIM programs that augment or replace Pocket Outlook's functionality.
XIP - Execute in Place - it's a storage and programming approach that allows some programs to run directly from storage rather than being loaded into the program memory first. Saves on RAM. Nobody but the true development gurus (which I'm not) really care about how to use it.