Trying to dialup
hi, first post here!
just got the HTC touch (sprint).
i do not want the sprint internet service, and have had it cancled... i can use internet on the phone, through my laptop (via bluetooth, or usb) so i can update WM6 or livesearch or whatever...
but i thought it would be handy to have at times, if i wanted, without having to use sprints internet service...
our HOME content providers (satellite, wildblue) allows us 10 hours a month of dialup...
what im trying to do, is use wildblues internet for times when i would like to use the internet on the phone... away from the house...
i called sprint (man are they retards) and wildblue.. both were useless to me...
i can dialup on my computer just fine... can someone help me do the same on the HTC? the phone number is correct, the user and pass i have chacked and rechecked, and rechecked again...
im out of ideas..
please help!