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Old 01-08-2010, 08:58 AM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

The reason is obvious: MS themselves said not to expect WM7 until late 2010/early 2011.

This will inevitably get pushed back AGAIN. Thus, CES 2011 is a more appropriate venue for them to preview the OS.

In the meantime, the diehards will continue to hang on to WM, insisting its the best.

"I love WM, all I have to so is solder in a new chip, reporgram it with a custom ROM, rip the guts out, add a new processor, skin it, and order a new housing and it does EXACTLY what I want. Its so customizable".

I'm sure if you look hard enough, you can find someone that prefers DOS to Windows 7. "All I do is type in this "dir" thingy,. and look at all that text. Seriously, you just can't get that sharp of a text with newer models..."
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