Originally Posted by DonC
I am seeing the exact same thing. I have redone the ROM twice with the same results. SYS 28205 with Manila 2.5 as well.
Originally Posted by nate.spangler
same here. 28205 has issues I believe. I had dialer lockups too
and thanks.
Dang I am on vacation and do not have my PC that has older kitchen files.
If I download 28014 SYS from Calkulin's SYS folder, how do I use it in this kitchen. I have tried importing other SYS before without the desired results. When I have done it in the past, the SYS pops up to select but the XIP does not. Thanks.
Sent from my Nexus 7, Droid Ultra, or Galaxy Note 3... I don't really know anymore, probably not from my PC though.