I got that model for my birthday last month. TomTom tech said absolutely no way for the pairing and traffic to work on Sprint. That was a load of BS.
You need to do the following:
1) Install the .cab file in this .zip on your Mogul:
2) soft reset the mogul
3) use the following settings to configure the TomTom:
When your PPC 6800 is discovered use the following information:
1. Phone selection - other
2. Carrier selection - other
3. Access point - Sprint PCS Vision
4. Username - (Leave blank)
5. Password - (Leave blank)
When prompted for IP/DNS/DHCP settings select "Automatic"
6. Number to dial - #777
7. Scripts - (Leave blank)
I usually turn off "direct push" when GPSing, but I am not sure whether it is strictly necessary. I have been happily GPSing with traffic updates via BT and the Mogul for a month.
NOTE: These instructions work perfectly for Sprint, other carriers you will need to google a bit to find the proper settings. You need an internet data plan for the traffic updates. The $15 Sprint Vision plan is fine.