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Old 01-07-2010, 07:29 PM
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Re: Please help!! Problem with my HTC TOUCH 6900 (SPRINT)

You really shouldn't take over another person's thread. I didn't know you started your own so I responded to the other one. This is what I said:

The crudest method that will work but will also be tedious would be to save pim.vol to your PC and open it with notepad. You'll only see a bunch of messy text that makes no sense. Search through the file for any names that you remember by using the Ctrl+F (Find) method.

An idea I also had off the top of my head would be to download the Windows Mobile 6.0 SDK and load the pim.vol into the WM6 emulator. This would save you from having to downgrade your phone, but I'm not claiming it would be any easier, especially if you've never used an SDK before.

By doing that, you would have a virtual phone on your computer, which is running windows mobile 6 with your pim.vol on it. At that point you could back up your data using PIMbackup or some other software from the virtual phone.