Originally Posted by jpwhre
i have noticed this for some time now but let it go. my spb home shows it to be 57* out and my outside temp at house shows 79* and las night my outside temp shoed 10* below my spb. tf3d has a diff temp then spb and wp shows today as rainy (examp as i removed it) and spb shows clear and sunny with rain in 2 days and both are wrong as it is an overcast day and no rain in months.
I know some roms have battery temp apps, is there a way to have phone show current temp with same app and show in weather?
Well I do know the TF3D gets the weather from AccuWeather.com. As for the others I don't know.
But the battery temp idea would be nice, although it would only tell you what temp is in you current
environment eg..indoor or outdoor. so you'd still need use of the regular weather app to tell you outside temp.