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Old 01-07-2010, 04:19 PM
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Re: Verizon CDMA Touch Pro 2 and Mightyrom 6.5

Originally Posted by cadillac6661 View Post
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.5(Microsoft Windows; PPC; Opera Mobi/16643; U; en) HTC_Touch_Pro2)

Is your background related to the weather clock or just one of your choosing? The reason I ask is I'm on the "Official" Mighty ROM and while I was in Oregon recently my device would do a full homescreen animation ie. it would "snow" on the whole screen and and it would build up in all 4 corners as well as little icicles hanging from the clock. I could never figure out how to make it do it on co command so I could show it off lol. Would be really awesome if it did something like that for all animations! (and I could figure out how to make it happen on command)
To trigger weather animations on the home screen, simply open then close the HTC task manager at the top right of your homescreen, or you can open and then close the start menu
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