[quote=spanglmd;146629]I've done all that. no dice.
![Brick wall](images/smilies/eusa_wall.gif)
When I first installed WAD/WA3 I installed WA3 first and then WAD, but apparently that was incorrect. I tried uninstalling everything out and starting over but is it possible that that is what is causing the issue? I've gone over the readme about 100 times now and i have no idea what is going wrong.[quote]
Also, iphone does not show up as a theme under Wisbar Theme
okok.so far so good..... the sprint logo is custom icon 4
...this is my setting.
under taskbar
visible items
clock====right aligned
custome 1====right aligned
battery/memory status====right aligned
close/ok====right aligned
uncheck both under title/tasks
under others check only two ;display, and rotate( the first two ).good luck