I have not seen numbers about it outselling WM devices on Sprint, but that's not
too hard to believe, considering the price difference. Palm is having a difficult time meeting orders, due to supply issues from hardware partners and they expect to get worse when the Centro goes global. It has the highest sell-through rate (amount customers actually bought, as opposed to what the carriers ordered) for any Palm device released so far, which is saying a lot for end of 2007.
As far as
hippity.hoppity, even though I'm a pretty hardcore WM user, I'll defend Palm OS just as much. It really is remarkable how "old" the OS yet it can still do just as much in many was what WM can. I have no problem switching between the two platforms and maintaining functionality.
The key to being able to properly evaluate WM and its progress is to be very familiar with competition and predecessors. And in my opinion, MS still needs to get some basics down (like search for keyword in PIE). Both systems have their pros, both have their cons. I almost consider it a wash at this point--
user preference is the decider.
Back to the OP: while I agree it was technically an OS problem, not the Touch, it is quite hard to go from something that worked so well for you to something that just does not work. Have empathy for the OP, not scorn. Maybe they'll give it a shot next time. Outlook 2007 is a finicky beast.
And for everyone, try to keep the personal jabs to a minimum