Ok, I have checked, unchecked and side checked the enable advanced net functionality tab, (finally left er' unchecked) Sigh, I have tried all usb ports, 3 cables, (one brand new, one known good) I have un installed all traces of handheld and usb ports, in Dm and let all mighty vista reinstall the "updated" software (read: Exact same software) I have uninstalled windows mobile remote adapter, and when vista downloaded the update (recomended update) it wouldn't let me install, says error 800F020B, I click the get help link to the help center, and like so many issues in life, the help center is really just a fueling station for Microsoft hatred! (vent, sorry) I am about at witrs end with this thing..... lol all i wanna do is yellow cube it and maybe some ROM hacks later on..... you think this is a built in anti-ppc-rape device>? Canospinich, I will PM for your help....