Originally Posted by p-slim
Functunality means alot, and alot of it is about timing. Sprint eventually has to get a winmo phone with snapdragon processor, we all know this, but its all about timing. Sprint will eventually get the nexus but who the hell knows when, if someone can be with the nexus half a year earlier before Sprint finally gets it and the network gives the same service, why wait for sprint to drag its feet. As we've seen, tmobile always gets the new phones 1st, this isn't the 1st time and definitely won't be the last.
I understand what you're saying but I'd rather have my 1ghz powered capacitive touch Phone running on an established 4G network rather than have the phone and have the network be its bottle neck for processing net data such as streaming, downloading, uploading etc.
4G is gigabyte speed right there when you need it