Originally Posted by BruceBanner
i have been thinking about jumping ship as well for this. but in all honesty, i cannot find a plan on verizon or tmobile that is better than the plans we get at sprint. i currently have the hero and i love it, but the nexus one is pure win easy iphone killer. but i wonder what plan tmobile will partner it up with. and on verizon for a 2 line family plan for what i have now on sprint will cost me nearly 200/month on verizon for a android phone. i just dont think its worth leaving sprint for.
That's the thing right there. It is hard to find a better plan than what Sprint offers, plus the any Mobile Any time thing is nice, and having your night minutes start at 7pm rather than 9pm is great. T-Mobiles GSM network isn't that great imo, but better than AT&T's I suppose. I hope Sprint has a device with a 1ghz processor.