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Old 01-06-2010, 04:59 PM
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Re: [pre-kitchen] 12/28/09-0.1b | fresh pre-kitchen | fixed 'unable to open debug' er

Originally Posted by Tuffgong4 View Post
Yes Debugging is is where it gets weird.

The ADB driver that is installed says HTC Dream, which obviously isn't my phone but I can't get the kitchen to push to my phone...I tried updating the driver to an x64 htc driver and it wouldn't let me.

It's frustrating as this is the last thing I can't do...I just want a few of the stock apps back on after installing fresh 1.1...

I used this link and it just wouldn't work...

Do I need the sdk?
I wish i could help more but im new to the hero and i havent had any issues like this yet. Hopefully someone can chime in soon that knows better. Last chance could be to just start over.

Thats how sweet the signal is in my office!!
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