Originally Posted by Simpdapimp
should i just try to put the data in the UAProfile and UserAgent fields just as it is in the Arcsoft from TP? Or would i need to do other reg edits too?
try adding the same regs as it is in arcsoft....I see for wapheader it says X-MDN and not X-Sprint-MDN like u said to use, so I used
http://mms.sprintpcs.com/servlets/mmsX-MDN=1mynumber (with the 1 in front) and it sent the mms out but no receive , and then theres another reg that says x-wap-profile =
http://www.arcsoft.com/mobile/UAProf...UA-PPC-v50.xml just like sim said above...is there anyway we can locate this xml file that arcsoft is using? maybe theres something in there.