I just wanted to throw this out there for all the new peeps. Seems to be a few who might LOVE this info.
This thread is llllooonnnggg and alot of stuff can be lost in it. Some users are unaware that every attachment to this thread is placed into a spot together for easy accessing. The thread attachments can be found by clicking the little paperclip by the threads name in the main TP upgrades forum. SO many times fixes are attached over and over needlessly because after the first time it is put in the thread attachments page, bad thing is it is put there EVERY time it is posted....So now even that page is getting cluttered! Many of us will refer other users to the thread attachments page rather than posting a cab, zip, rar, etc. For those who were wondering WTF we are talking about, now ya know! Linking is also a great way to avoid extra attachments filling prcious space on the site.(we had outages a month or so back).
ALSO credit Ahuskins (SKI-ROM chef deluxe!) and give him a THANK YOU for making a nifty lil widget for us NRG addicts to use to access the thread attachments page from our devices without having to go all the way to lil paperclip! This gives ya access to many, many cabs, zips, rar, etc. without having to look very hard. Many mods and tweaks found throughout the ppcgeek forums can actually be found in there as well since users have attached them to the thread. I use the chit out of this lil dudad. It is in the Thread attachments page or here is the link:
Just wanted to get that info out there for those who may not know about it.