Re: Lioryte Base 28205+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free
I would first like to thank Lioryte, for this amazing ROM.
It runs so smooth, and it will accept the FM Radio cab.
It will also run IE with or without MSHTML.
I did have to load, to get my MSN email to show more than just one folder.
But this is the Best so far...
I don't use Titanium, so I don't know if PDC will run with Sense Themes.
You have to select PDC on the Today Home Items, so I think Titanium then becomes dissabled. I don't know for sure.
But here is what I use. I found it over at XDA.
I threw in a few fonts and some links.
Cooking THE NEW PPCK, 21909
Thanks joojoobee666..
Rest in Peace Baby Brother..[8-7-10]...
And They Better Watch Out For RICOCHETS!!!
Last edited by cac2us; 01-06-2010 at 04:28 PM.
Reason: Thank you for your hard work...