Originally Posted by breakmyfootoff
What cracks me up is how everybody gets so personal about defending their carrier, as if they founded the company or something lol. I use Verizon because they have the best 3g coverage everywhere I go, and they had the phone I wanted. I really couldnt give less of a damn about Verizon as a company. If sprint had better 3g coverage and the phone I wanted I would be on Sprint, even if their plans were more expensive than Verizons.
that may be your perogative, but for me, i like not being ripped off an arm and a leg for something that i think shouldn't cost so much. cost factors in as much as service to me, and obviously, if i'm going to go with a carrier who i think provides those services that meet my costs, i want that company to succeed. nobody wants to stay on a sinking ship. also, maybe it's a by product of history, but i feel like sprint gets a bad rep for things in the past. this company has done a lot to improve itself and those things deserve to be weighed upon. many sprint users probably feel that way if you ask them. you mostly hear about the negatives, never the positives.