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Old 01-06-2010, 01:22 AM
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Re: Sense 2.5}}{{12-31-09 **Stealth Launcher Links, No Curtains, 16 Quick Links, BG4a

Originally Posted by B5Z View Post
Santod, I installed CDMA_BilboBrian_TaskBar that you provided me & it appears to be working fine. I did notice afterwards that I should have installed sdkcerts prior to installing any custom taskbar. Should I un-install CDMA_BilboBrian_TaskBar & install sdkcerts first? Or, will I be OK without it? Also, is there a color taskbar that works well too. I found this one (GadgetROM Task Bar) but haven't tried it - any thoughts or comments would be appreciated. Thank You!
You should be okay without it, with that taskbar, but it's usually advised to run it with any custom taskbars, to prevent possible conflicts or issues. However, if you have not seen any odd side effects, then you are probably fine. But you could just install on top, if you wanna be sure.

I will look at that taskbar, and possibly a couple others real soon. I have bigger fish to fry at the moment and not much time to spend on it all. With work, family, life and all. But I will definitely look into getting more taskbars posted that work without issues.

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