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Old 01-05-2010, 07:24 PM
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Re: Nissan Bluetooth / Voice Command dialing from address book

Originally Posted by DaBrode View Post
Hello All! I'm politely calling on the forumites here at PPCGeeks to help me set-up my Nissan hands-free system and Voice Command dialing.

So here's the rub...

My Sprint HTC Touch Pro 2 connects fine to my stock Nissan Cube handsfree bluetooth. If I trigger the system via steering wheel based control it prompts for instruction. If I speak for it to "Call" and provide a phone number "800-555-5555", it dials away and I'm good to go. However if I tell it to "Call Winston Churchill" it tells me it doesn't recognize the command.

Aside from understanding that Winston Churchill is no longer among the living and you realizing I was using his name as an example...Why can't I dial from my address book through the hands free in my car BY NAME?

I would think the disconnect is that nothing in my car is telling Voice Command to activate like when I voice dial directly to the phone via hardware button. Am I missing a setup step? Do I upload my address book to the car somehow?

I'm sure this is something I'm not setting up right but I just need a mental goose to push me in the right direction.

Thanks all!

EDIT: Here's a link to compatible devices for my car per Nissan -
So you can actually connect via the cubes bluetooth?
It kept giving me "you entered wrong password". My boss even watched me do it, I tried the right password like six times. It was 1234. His LG incite shows up on the "compatible" list, but it freezes his phone every time it connects via bluetooth. You have any ideas?
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