Originally Posted by DIRTNAP 34
Hey Keith sorry to be a bother but I have tried copying the weather fix into the windows folder and have not been able to fix the weather having the grey bars. Is there a cab to fix this or do you know what I might be doing wrong? Also it seemed to stretch out my wallpaper and it looks deformed now any suggestions on how to fix? Thanks for any help.
It shouldn't change the wallpaper aspect at all as long as you are using 480 X 696. That is the size of the screen that TF3D uses. 800 minus the top and bottom taskbars. If you use 480 X 800 it usually works fine but you will notice it looks a little different on TF3d than it does on the lockscreen. The lockscreen is full screen. As far as the weather background just copy this one manila file in the zip to your windows directory. soft reset