Originally Posted by RACEMONEY
Seeing as I didn't do that.....
Do you have any suggestions for recovering my mistake??
Do you have a way to get me back to WM 6.0 so I can try and see if my old pim will work on that OS???
Just wondering..........
I can tell you how to do it but I SERIOUSLY DO NOT recommend you do it. The thing is, if you revert back to 6.0 it will downgrade your spl and probably install the old non-gps radio which may cause you serious problems if you want to upgrade back to 6.1 or later to 6.5 and there is a small chance you could brick your device.

I suggest you export the file(s) that has your old contacts in it to your pc and figure out how to open/view it on your pc. Then maybe you can reinstall them in small groups to your device. Good Luck!