Originally Posted by quiqnezz
Can someone please post up or send me the last google maps? I don't know if it's working right or not since I updgraded to Modaco's unofficial a while back.
The one issue i'm having is that the screen dims out after the set time I have it on. I'm pretty sure I remember the phone automatically staying on while it was running before just as Sprint Nav does while using it. I know that I can set the screen to never shut off but I shouldn't have to. Then I have to change it back after I use gmaps.
I'm also not getting directions calculated right from my starting point. It's always a mile or so off.
I know this is probably not a feature on this version but I HATE that it doesn't have auto re-direction. It seems that you can only "update" the route but ONLY after doing the initial search. ONce you're viewing the real time map there is no way to auto redirect without doing anothe search on the location which really sucks!
Times like this I REALLY miss Bing aka Windows livesearch from winmo. I can't WAIT till we get 2.* so we can have the google navigation!
Are you turning your GPS on? Also, have you tried WAZE? It has free turn by turn and live traffic updates. Search for it in the marketplace.