Re: Which OS Interests You Most?
I'm most interested in the Windows Mobile/Phone platform – maybe because I've used it for nearly a decade. But, I've had a chance to work/play with all the other OSes and, time after time, I stick with WinMo. One could argue that it's out of comfort, but I feel it's more that WinMo has the flexibility to be the exact device I want/need; depending on h/w.
I truly feel that the most recent innovator in that group would have to be the iPhoneOS (not necessarily 3.1). I give props to the others for changing course quickly, and some for coming out of nowhere.
WebOS (mostly the latest) gets the most under-rated – I think palm has the potential to steal any of RIM’s thunder for good, and hopefully they’ll have learned from any number of RIM’s mistakes (i.e. data blackouts, etc.).
I would have to give the most deflating/overhyped to Android--I really thought you and I could have something special, but it was not to be.
And most lackluster goes to RIM's Blackberry--to me it is the epitome of minimalist pocketpc/pda/phone. It’s okay for (some) business but only so-so for everyday life.
But, that's just me.
Last edited by Okeif_ObD; 01-05-2010 at 12:46 PM.