Originally Posted by makavel
Hey guys,
I just started using OMJ's kitchen recently because of the lack of updates on Calkulin's kitchen, and am really loving Sense! A few things about it really annoyed me though, so I decided to try and learn how to edit manila files so I could correct them. Here's the results of my work, in case anyone else would like the same things.
There are four separate Manila mods in the attached RAR. They are:
1) Open the threaded SMS conversation in the native WM SMS client instead of the Manila client when you tap on an SMS in the Messaging tab
2) Use the native WM SMS client instead of the Manila client to compose a new SMS when you press an SMS contact on the favorite people tab
3) Open the native WM call history page when you press on the date on the Manila home tab (next to the Alarms info)
4) Open the Manila call history page when you press on the date on the Manila home tab (same as above, just opens in the Manila version rather than the native WM version)
As you can see, these mods mostly just involve opening the native Windows Mobile client for SMS instead of the Manila version because the WM version is faster when you have many text messages. I also just really needed an easy way to access the call history, and that Date button was completely useless in Sense 2.5, so I thought I'd put it to better use.
seriously thanks for this, I
HATE the manila sms client.
also, can I just replace my manila files in my windows with this now (already flashed ROM0 or do I have to cook these into a ROM from the kitchen?