Originally Posted by winmonewbie
This is helpful, how? Did you even flash it? I may be wrong but I'm guessing no.
Wait, back the truck up!!! These ROM's have been cooked by a "noob"?!?!?!?
Well shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz, then he deserves even MORE kudos for these awesome, beautiful, fast, stable ROMs that are better than any "top notch chef" ROM that I've tried.
Please post the link to your non-eye candy ROM so we may offer the same constructive critique.
Thanks bro.
I cook these roms for 1 myself and 2 to share with everyone else.
These are cooked for free and take a lot of time and effort to get right sometimes.
If someone likes them and it helps then my goal was met.
If someone trys it and doesn't like it then feel free to leave comments and then find a better rom.
Trash talk is of no matter to me so say what you will. I don't care.
Either you like it or don't.
It is what this noob uses and I like it.
Thank you everyone that tries these roms and contributes to this thread.
Your comments and posts will help me improve these roms.