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Old 12-20-2007, 03:32 AM
EtherealRemnant's Avatar
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EtherealRemnant knows their stuffEtherealRemnant knows their stuffEtherealRemnant knows their stuffEtherealRemnant knows their stuffEtherealRemnant knows their stuffEtherealRemnant knows their stuff
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Originally Posted by hippity.hoppity View Post
The sad thing is that even though PalmOS hasn't seen any significant updates in years, it's will worlds better than WM6 in a lot of ways.

The Centro recently crushed all sales expectations by Palm and Sprint and has far outsold any WM phone on Sprint.

I'm really looking forward to the 800w. Real threaded SMS, QWERTY keyboard, high-res screen and better size than the Mogul. Should be a good one.
If you hate WM so much, why don't you get off of this forum and go shove your fanboyism down someone else's throat.

Seriously. If WM is so bad, why are you here?

Of course the Centro crushed expectations. ITS 99 DOLLARS FOR A FULL-FEATURED PDA!

If the Touch was 99 bucks, it would have had AT LEAST 30% more sales than the Centro!

But the fact of the matter is, its not 99 bucks, its 249, and that's a huge price gap.

Now go troll somewhere else...