Originally Posted by horndoctor
Is your battery charged at least 50%?
When you put the phone in bootloader what does it do? Does it still flash on and off?
If your battery is charged 50% and your device will stay in bootloader, I recommend you download Imcokeman's original .40 unlocker and place it in the root dir of your FAT32 formatted 2gb or less storage card. Then rename it to VOGUIMG.IMG and insert the card. Put the phone in bootloader and run it that way. It may take a few tries but that should work. Then do the same with the stock shipped rom:
That will get you back to stock and you will be relocked. Then decide whether you want to run a custom rom or not. Read several guides before you attempt again. Like I said before, codybear's faq is great. Good Luck Dude! 
the last time i checked you couldent run the unlocker thru sd card ??? and no the phone doesnt flash off and on no more i got the battery charged it was my battery that was makeing it turn off and on im just stuck at bootloader ...