Originally Posted by kidwolf908
I'm sorry. I don't know a whole lot about the cooked ROM's because I have been waiting on verizon's rom... and quite frankly, there are just too many to choose from lol. However, I am very interested in learning about the advantages and disadvantages of flashing to a cooked ROM. Doesn't sense 2.1 only have landscape mode for the music and photos tabs? Also, what are the biggest advantages to custom ROM's that you can think of?
As I said, I really want to learn, but I can only tolerate so much browsing through a 1000 page cooked rom thread to learn of it's advantages and disadvantages.
Thank you again, though!
Yes, Sense 2.1 still has landscape mode.
Just know that there a many reasons to flash to a custom ROM. They do more than just cook in Windows Mobile 6.5. They remove all the carrier-installed garbage (called bloatware), they make a series of registry and performance edits to enhace the overall speed of their ROMs, they install handy aftermarket apps like google maps, et. al., the list goes on and on...