Originally Posted by jshaas2
Wirelessly posted (HTC Touch Pro 2: Opera/9.5(Microsoft Windows; PPC; Opera Mobi/16643; U; en) HTC_Touch_Pro2)
music and photos only? 2.5 is nice, but its not a deal breaker to say I need to run a stock rom. dude there are many other advantages to custom roms from popular chefs...especially Mighty.
this is sense 2.1, but even his 2.5 project rom like War runs good. not near as good as this newest 1/04...but good for a 2.5
I'm sorry. I don't know a whole lot about the cooked ROM's because I have been waiting on verizon's rom... and quite frankly, there are just too many to choose from lol. However, I am very interested in learning about the advantages and disadvantages of flashing to a cooked ROM. Doesn't sense 2.1 only have landscape mode for the music and photos tabs? Also, what are the biggest advantages to custom ROM's that you can think of?
As I said, I really want to learn, but I can only tolerate so much browsing through a 1000 page cooked rom thread to learn of it's advantages and disadvantages.
Thank you again, though!