Originally Posted by jshaas2
Wirelessly posted (HTC Touch Pro 2: Opera/9.5(Microsoft Windows; PPC; Opera Mobi/16643; U; en) HTC_Touch_Pro2)
there are a million opinions on this. Personally, i wouldnt run a stock rom, and i seriously doubt VZW will have 6.5 anytime soon.
just flash a 6.5 and enjoy it. More than likely VZW's 6.5 will be 2.1.
I feel the same way about VZW's lack of inclination to include Sense 2.5.
I don't really mind the 6.1 stock ROM as it is quite bug-free, but I can't help but get excited and envious when I see all of the awesome development going into MaxManila and 6.5.
I see that you are running MightyROM. Does the new 1/04 version include 2.5 landscape? Or is it still music and photos only?