Okay.. yes you do need a reg editor to get the program working. What you do need to do is delete the RILphone.dll entry from the InternetSharing key initially, just so that ICS doesn't bitch and throw Error67 codes every time it connects. Search a bit if you want to find the info on where this key is at, as its been posted in several places.
Once that is setup... YOU MUST ONLY CREATE AN AD-HOC CONNECTION ON THE MOGUL. Also, you do NOT want to manually set the IP addy on the Mogul either. The WMWIFIROUTER program does this all for you. Leave the PC side of the connection alone for now. Once you have created the ad-hoc on the Mogul (make sure you change it to say "Connects to Work" not internet) simply run the WMWIFIROUTER program with the WIFI switch on. It should soft-disable the wifi while it changes settings, then soft-enable it when the registry is straight. Once the Mogul reports connected status, just search for it with your PC and connect. Easy as that! The PC will get an IP addy through DHCP.