Originally Posted by psycho_maniac
told me he is going to let his supervisor know also so maybe this can be a national thing also. im still on the phone lol.
verizon ticket number: 00000 339 5874
lets get the word out, sprint has a fix soon so should we
Sprint's fix should also work on VZW, since it will most likely be a patched DLL. It appears from what I've been reading, that the issue is that the date is BCD, Binary Coded Decimal, but the phone is interpreting it as standard Hex. In BCD, 10 is represented as 0x10, which is the same thing as 16 if just interpreted as raw Hex. Once it's released, I'd bet it's a modified SMS.dll or RILPHONE.dll, since RILPHONE is the only DLL that I could find that queries that key.