Originally Posted by doublej3030
I used the updated kitchen from TMartin(and Calkulin, of course) with Sense 2.1, then updated the sys to 28205(Thanks to Da_G over at XDA and da_reeseboy).
Also, I use Windows 7 64 bit without issues - I think the first time I loaded a rom from this computer, Windows had to search for a separate driver for my touch pro while the phone is in boot mode. Mobile Device Center is used instead of ActiveSync like Vista. Finally, I use 7-zip and it works well.
Thanks for the reply. I got 28205 SYS working when I used one compiled by someone other than me... somefrom someone who knew what they were doing (SeeBelow)
Originally Posted by doublej3030
The only issue I've had is with RunCC, if I leave that program in - The ROM won't completely booting during customization with an error referring to an HTClog. I actually think I've had this same issue with other 280xx sys when I've attempted to port them before.
So, I guess my question is - what does the customization do exactly?
Thanks for everyone's support in advance and especially to Calkulin - he will be missed from the VGA community.
"In order to learn more about RunCC and how to customize it, go
note- If you want to see a REALLY sweet implimentation of RunCC just boot up an EnergyROM.
here's SOHKis' post from Da_G's thread.
- 28205 VGA packaged up all nice for us. Gimme a moment to post the additional files (and folders they go in for Calk's Flamrise tsk)
- All else is "A"-OK with this build as long as you install a dialer that replaces cprog.exe. pyrorob's 2G port is working great for me
HERE is an awesome post on recommended RecMod's for all those interested (Brand New info).