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Old 01-04-2010, 12:20 PM
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Re: [ 11-10 ][ v4.2 ][ 6.5.x / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual VGA Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by doublej3030 View Post
I used the updated kitchen from TMartin(and Calkulin, of course) with Sense 2.1, then updated the sys to 28205(Thanks to Da_G over at XDA and da_reeseboy).

Also, I use Windows 7 64 bit without issues - I think the first time I loaded a rom from this computer, Windows had to search for a separate driver for my touch pro while the phone is in boot mode. Mobile Device Center is used instead of ActiveSync like Vista. Finally, I use 7-zip and it works well.
Thanks for the reply. I got 28205 SYS working when I used one compiled by someone other than me... somefrom someone who knew what they were doing (SeeBelow)

Originally Posted by doublej3030 View Post
The only issue I've had is with RunCC, if I leave that program in - The ROM won't completely booting during customization with an error referring to an HTClog. I actually think I've had this same issue with other 280xx sys when I've attempted to port them before.

So, I guess my question is - what does the customization do exactly?

Thanks for everyone's support in advance and especially to Calkulin - he will be missed from the VGA community.
"In order to learn more about RunCC and how to customize it, go HERE"
note- If you want to see a REALLY sweet implimentation of RunCC just boot up an EnergyROM.

here's SOHKis' post from Da_G's thread.
- 28205 VGA packaged up all nice for us. Gimme a moment to post the additional files (and folders they go in for Calk's Flamrise tsk)
- All else is "A"-OK with this build as long as you install a dialer that replaces cprog.exe. pyrorob's 2G port is working great for me

HERE is an awesome post on recommended RecMod's for all those interested (Brand New info).
Attached Files
File Type: zip AdditionalSYSfiles for Calk'sVGA (288.4 KB, 20 views) Click for barcode!
Kitchen:Calkulin's VK for WVGA (Updated with Touch Pro 2 Collaboration)
When it's deserved, click

Last edited by sc00b4s7eve; 01-04-2010 at 08:34 PM.
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