Originally Posted by Boogie1979
Does anyone know how to change Opera 10 Beta 2 -----> Opera 9.7?
I would like to have it launch from the same place now.
Let me rephrase.
Currently i just scroll to the right and get to the globe. This will launch Opera 10. I would like the globe to launch Opera 9.7.
Why i would like to change out Opera 10 beta 2 is because after launch and loading a couple of pages, it gives me an error that my memory is full.
I did Flashdance the phone before installing this rom.
Has anyone experienced this issue and if so what is the solution?
I did do a search on this thread and did not come up with anything.
Thanks for the help.
PS. SKI-ROM kick ass. I just swapped from the energy rom and its much better on my TP.
Great work!
Originally Posted by jasonsf
I've been getting memory full errors to. hadn't connected it directly to Opera, though. (123009 Sense 2.1)
Next update on all ROM's will be reverting to Opera 9.7. If you want or need 10 then you can download and install for yourself. Opera 10 has memory leak problems. I believe that I included Opera 9.7 in the last release so I would recommend using that until I can update. If you search at XDA you can find a thread or two discussing the edits needed to make Opera 10 the default and you could just change the browser exe to OperaL.exe to revert. Search and ye shall find.
Updates in a couple of days probably.
Edit: Thanks Winmo for the Cache empty fix! Gonna test that for a couple of days and see how things go. May not have to remove Opera 10 after all. Question though, why increase the cache size so much. Since I haven't tested with it that way maybe you could shed some light. Better performance? I'll PM you tomorrow, been kinda busy. Now to figure out how to cook that in. Shouldn't be too difficult.