Originally Posted by D/\SH
the best way on the shiny surfaces and such like that is to use a 1500 grit sandpaper and just lightly sand until the shine dulls. (you will notice some shiny points still) than once you do that go to a 2000 grit wet sandpaper and smooth it out and get rid of the small shine spots.... than you can dye... the scratches not only help adhesion but will also make the color appear more uniform and crisp... any questions just ask, been painting vehicles for over 10 years and do the phone thang for almost 3. (if i dont answer in this thread send me a pm so i dont forget brudda)
take care and hope this helps some
Thanks for the comments.
Yeah, I used the sandpaper to dull and rough it a bit. It was needed to get the dye to take. Then just soaked while stirring for 20 min with some liquid "rit"dye in very warm water. I was able to get rid of the verizon and htc logos and got a nice unbranded look to the back. Glad I tried it as I like the results even more this morning.