Originally Posted by klynch1969
I second this, we need the FAQ on the front page so people can find it quickly and easily. Problem is, people read the first page and just skip to asking there question without reading. And who can blame them when there are more than 500+ pages to go through. And yes, search is an option but will not always get you what you want.
For those who haven't seen it yet.
Yeah, We've kinda been trying to get mods to move that since, well, about post 18, this is post 5554, I don't think it's gunna happen anytime soon, unfortunately. It would also be cool if people could read at least two pages into a thread before asking questions, cause really, it's not that far in :P
Originally Posted by uscjunkie
I actually have been with this thread since day one and I know about the FAQ page being in post 18. I tried doing that first and got no where so I figured between post 18 and 5552 that something must have changed.
I know we're on different carriers and sprint seems to be especially finicky (the fix work all the time or not at all) on this ROM, but it's worked every single update for me. This isn't me saying
you're obviously doing something wrong, just sending you my condolences. From one day one reader thread to another.