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Old 01-03-2010, 03:39 AM
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Re: "Sprint now has the most compelling lineup of smartphones..."

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
has nobody been reading the news? sprint has launched 4g data, which is the future, also they will have the 'best' (cdma @least) in a few days.
also if i'm not mistaken sprint does have the largest selection of phones in general. several of most varieties. also keep in mind they have been having to maintain the nextel lineup, which will soon disappear allowing for more/better sprint phones.

att and verizon are the only ones that would possibly have a better lineup, but I personally don't think so.
4G is a joke if you don't have any phone selection that utilizes it. it's also a joke when outside of a few major cities, it doesn't work. it may be the future, but the other networks are going LTE and will hit 4G soon enough.

what do you mean by "best"? best network? best phone? also, sprint does NOT have the largest selection/most varieties, that goes to verizon if we are talking smartphones.
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