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Old 01-03-2010, 02:51 AM
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Re: texts from 2016???

I was irritated the whole time about this, yet Sprint couldn't do a single thing about it. I was at a girl's house and couldn't download the Ziggy Cab to fix it for the mean time, bugged the **** out of me. I still had everything, even though I delete my text messages and call history a lot, but left my Picture Mail alone and still had my pictures up until now. Not so mad about it, but what the... They really screwed up this time. haha
When I called they told me to reset my MSID number, but yet with the same number and still didn't do anything. Then they tried to have me change my time/date to Visiting and set it right, yet nothing. I was laughing so much. LOL

Before now I was actaully just setting my phone to 2016 so it wasn't so annoying. I installed the Ziggy Cab and hopefully it will work for me. They better fix this though, even though it doesn't make sense to me.

Hopefully everyone had a Happy New Year, I sure did.

Edit: The only thing useful they told me was there was an update or whatever for my Sprint Touch Pro, but I don't think I want to even bother with it. HAHA

Last edited by BikerSk8rKid; 01-03-2010 at 02:53 AM.
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