Root if you did not catch my post on another thread, here is a repeat and update:
"I just loaded Root on my biz pro 2 days ago. So far there seems to be no hickups in roots, fast & stable, and the differences are mainly cosmetic (icon sets,programs etc).
I won't know about roots (battery life) until I get back to work were I put the battery to the test. In the first 6hrs of use I roam for 4 hour, play mp3's for 2 hrs and stream audio for 2hrs, beside normal phone use. So I get a good idea of battery life pretty quick."
There really is no problems to report, it really is a solid rom. Has anyone reported that on reset it opens opera? Thats the only "problem" I have encountered. Report on battery life to come next week.
Great work, I'm glad I have 2 tp's so I don't have to choose.
123009 sense 2.1