Originally Posted by Trident
No, I don't. I wasn't clear. I'm not using any Sense EXTs.
I am using Message Client 1.0.1920.3223.00. And it looks great. I haven't had any extensive sms exchanges to see if it eventually grays out, but so far it's good.
Attaching my build "erv" file for your enjoyment, if you want to check it out.
Thanks for sharing. Mine is similar to yours, but a bit leaner. I cab install a number of programs including for e.g. cleanRam, Opera, myPhone, PIM Backup, etc. I also leave off Office, Windows Live Stuff, etc. I'm running SPB MS3.5.3 on top of Titanium. The SMS still got grayed out (unusable). It's clumsy switching between traditional mode to send and conversation mode to read, since in traditional mode you can't see all of your message. Attached is my .erv for your entertainment.