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Old 12-20-2006, 09:11 PM
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Originally Posted by kaiguy
I'm not too stoked on the battery life. With casual use, I'm usually down to below 30% by the end of the day. The Siedio extended battery doesn't seem to be increasing it all that much either (not the big one with the included battery cover--the 1st gen extended). I was hoping this thing could last two days on one charge, but no such luck.

I think it's really because of push email and WeatherPanel downloading radar images. But I was under the impression that push is more efficient since it really only checks when it gets something. On the other hand, it seems like ActivSync connects to Exchange every single time I end a call.
it needs to get back the connection that was lost when making the call. thats why it connects again, but goes back to the gray arrows
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