Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
The LG phone is an Android phone (pictures of it showing up in the Sprint systems can be found online). What Sprint has going on with Microsoft is something different. I hope it's something like a wimax Winmo phone, but I kind of worry that it's just announcing a WinMo 6.5 upgrade for the Touch Pro 2.
if they give android another capacitive screen device and they get wimax and the winmo annoucement is just a 6.5 update, i'm going to be extremeley mad. I might go open up a 2nd line at tmobile for the hd2 if they ever flip that switch you and rory were talking about. I love winmo but i need a snapdragon processor, this is becoming absurd. There is no way in hell i can buy another windows phone that lags like this. WINMO and SPRINT, please don't let me down on January 6.