Originally Posted by mikee4fun
I have decided to dive back into the 6.5.x builds and noticed on the 12/14/09 kitchen, I cannot get the USB to PC to work over usb. It tries to work, you can select usb, but never mounts in windows, you lose the storage card like it was mounted. You have to soft reset to get the storage card back. If I flash to a 6.5 build it works. Anyone else see this issue?
I am having the same issue on Calks ROM. You are not alone. I like this ROM so much I just not using the USB to Disk Drive. I have to remove and install via a hub! My USB to Disk Drive works with the 8 other ROMS I've tried. I thought it was the card, tried 3, I thought it was my computer...tried another...nope. I hope this gets fixed on the newest ROMS he is going to release very soon.