Originally Posted by netengineer
Hello SRX80o7, you helped me a couple of times in the "Touch Pro" thread. I see you have moved to the Touch Pro 2. I got mine last week and I love it. Much better then the Touch Pro. What verson of EnergyROM are you running? The only issue you are having is with SMS and the keyboard?
Hey there
Yea the only problem ive been having is with SMS now I suppose. My keyboard problem and the 2016 is fixed. Right now I am running "21885_RHOD500_31.Dec.2009_StandardM2.5" Only problem that seems to be there still is when I get a txt, the number doesn't disappear when I finish reading it. SO im always getting confused thinking I have a unread message when I dont. Now say if I get a new txt message that had to come in 2 separate txt, a 2 will replace that 1 until I get a new txt. lol