Ok, I feel your discouragement and understand your frustrations!
I owned a Samsung i500 for many years and loved it! But things change and it was time to move on due to it’s limitations, not so much the Palm OS but the device itself, …like no SMS!
So I moved to the Treo 755p and moved all my info over to it and was up and running in 15 minuets. I loved the 755p, what a great phone and great implementation of Palm OS.
But it too had limitations for me, and I moved to the Touch. …BIG LEARNING CURVE!!!!
…Lots of tweeks and hacks to be done.
But that’s the nature of the Windows Mobile 6 OS, the sky is the limit to what can be done with it! It will even emulate Palm OS with
StyleTap for PocketPC…. http://www.styletap.com
So the question is, do you want to get up and running with all the applications you are use to plus lots of improvements and new ones? Or do you have the time to fight with the Activesync roadblocks as you have been doing.
So, being a former i500 user, I suggest for now you move to the Treo 755p and you will love it!
Keep your Touch in the meantime and work out the problems. My guess is that after you have had the 755p a couple of weeks you’ll just keep it.