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Old 12-19-2007, 01:47 AM
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Angry Is Bonnie Cha on the AT&T Payroll?

ok so I was reading this article
When I started thinking... What are the differences between the tilt and the mogul... hmmm well of course you mogulites will instantly answer EVDO RevA.... and you AT&Ters who don't know any better would say the tilt has 3G (here's a hint EVDO is better) But Cha didn't put the mogul as one of the top smart phones of 2007 and I am a but offended by this. Am I totally crazy? HECK NO! I think Cha is off her rocker... Lets see what the people say. According to the Mogul wins out with an rating of 4.01 stars to the tilt's 3.75. Not a huge margin of victory. So lets look at the hardware differences. For what it's worth our beloved mogul is an ounce lighter (wooptie doo!) It's a tiny bit smaller not that anyone would really notice. Better talk time and standby. The tilt lacks infra red. The tilt does have a better built in camera and walkie talkie (go tilt!). I implore you my fellow Mogul Worshipers. Email Bonnie Cha and give her an earfull! Those people make recommendations to the technologically inept and lead to costing ignorant people good money because they sound like they know what they're talking about. Lem em have it!!
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