Originally Posted by titaniumgiant
That is truly one of most stupidest defenses i have heard...
Allow me to explain...
there have been numerous reports where people who for whatever reason get up in the middle of the night and either shoot or use a knive and kill all the family members / residents of the house and then kill themselves....sooo by the same token, lets ban all knives and guns!
better yet, in the intrest of public "safety"... there have been reports of a famous chain car shop around here where there ahve been 3 reports of where cars after getting serviced there and left and apparently they were using a bad gun to put the lugnuts back on the tires resulting in tires falling off on the road and causing accidents!
Lets go ahead and require all drivers to check all lugnuts everytime they get in the car and make sure they are secure!
lets punish everyone for the few retards out there who cant do more than one thing at a time...who are multi tasking challenged. yea! that makes a lot of sense!
I dont know about you..but i have no problems doing 80 mph while punching out an email, slurping coffee and having a smoke and no..i have not killed anyone or caused an accident. Hence, this is the most pathetic excuse of a law just for the state to collect money...
oh..btw...while doing further research...here is the loop hole! it mentions the word "TEXTING" not emailing! bingo! they are after all two different entities and cannot be used interchangebly!
You are clearly an idiot and your 'loophole' does not exist. Either that or you cannot read for shit.