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Old 01-01-2010, 10:15 AM
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pro 2 was perfect til 2010

So I fell asleep around 10pm last night sent a few texts to some friends before that and woke up at 2am to my phone not working. Moves very slow for just navigation of menus, almost acts like when a desktop has too many programs running. i would do a reset if i have to but would prefer not. This is an isuue with the phone itself. not the SPrint network. my wife said the phone was extremely hot when she got into bed. i too out battery for few hours with no difference. Hands free activation comes up when i turn it on but when it finishes it restarts the phone and does it all again. if i cancel it i can get into the phone but like i said it is sooo sluggish. i can only navigate the phone through start menu, my home page/wallpaper does nto even come up, just black screen.

please help cause i attempted to call sprint but they dont listen to a word i say and send me to someone for the network and not tech support.
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